Gallons (U.S.) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion

Convert Gallons (U.S.) to Quart (U.S. dry) by entering the Gallons (U.S.) (gal) value in the calculator form. gal to dry qt conversion.

gal to dry qt Converter

1 gal = 3.437468 dry qt

Quart (U.S. dry) to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

Gallons (U.S.) volume unit is equal to 3.437468 Quart (U.S. dry).

How Many Quart (U.S. dry) in a Gallons (U.S.)

There are 3.437468 Quart (U.S. dry) in a Gallons (U.S.).

Conversion Factors for Quart (U.S. dry) and Gallons (U.S.)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Gallons (U.S.) gal 3.785412 × 10 -3
Quart (U.S. dry) dry qt 1.101221 × 10 -3

Gallons (U.S.) to Quart (U.S. dry) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Gallons (U.S.) and Quart (U.S. dry) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 m³
1 dry qt = 1.101221 * 10-3 m³
1 dry qt = 0.001101221 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.001101221) dry qt
1 m³ = 908.0829370308 dry qt

1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 * 908.0829370308 dry qt
1 gal = 3.4374680468317 dry qt

Gallons (U.S.) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion Table

Gallons (U.S.)Quart (U.S. dry)
1 gal3.437468 dry qt
2 gal6.874936 dry qt
3 gal10.312404 dry qt
4 gal13.749872 dry qt
5 gal17.18734 dry qt
6 gal20.624808 dry qt
7 gal24.062276 dry qt
8 gal27.499744 dry qt
9 gal30.937212 dry qt
10 gal34.37468 dry qt
11 gal37.812148 dry qt
12 gal41.249616 dry qt
13 gal44.687084 dry qt
14 gal48.124552 dry qt
15 gal51.56202 dry qt
16 gal54.999488 dry qt
17 gal58.436956 dry qt
18 gal61.874424 dry qt
19 gal65.311892 dry qt
20 gal68.74936 dry qt


Gallons (U.S.) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion

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