Peck (U.S.) to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

Convert Peck (U.S.) to Gallons (U.S.) by entering the Peck (U.S.) (pk) value in the calculator form. pk to gal conversion.

pk to gal Converter

1 pk = 2.327294 gal

Gallons (U.S.) to Peck (U.S.) Conversion

Peck (U.S.) volume unit is equal to 2.327294 Gallons (U.S.).

How Many Gallons (U.S.) in a Peck (U.S.)

There are 2.327294 Gallons (U.S.) in a Peck (U.S.).

Conversion Factors for Gallons (U.S.) and Peck (U.S.)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Peck (U.S.) pk 8.809768 × 10 -3
Gallons (U.S.) gal 3.785412 × 10 -3

Peck (U.S.) to Gallons (U.S.) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Peck (U.S.) and Gallons (U.S.) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 pk = 8.809768 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 0.003785412 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.003785412) gal
1 m³ = 264.17203728418 gal

1 pk = 8.809768 * 10-3 * 264.17203728418 gal
1 pk = 2.327294360561 gal

Peck (U.S.) to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion Table

Peck (U.S.)Gallons (U.S.)
1 pk2.327294 gal
2 pk4.654588 gal
3 pk6.981882 gal
4 pk9.309176 gal
5 pk11.63647 gal
6 pk13.963764 gal
7 pk16.291058 gal
8 pk18.618352 gal
9 pk20.945646 gal
10 pk23.27294 gal
11 pk25.600234 gal
12 pk27.927528 gal
13 pk30.254822 gal
14 pk32.582116 gal
15 pk34.90941 gal
16 pk37.236704 gal
17 pk39.563998 gal
18 pk41.891292 gal
19 pk44.218586 gal
20 pk46.54588 gal


Peck (U.S.) to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

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