Quart (U.S. dry) to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion

Convert Quart (U.S. dry) to Gallons (Imperial) by entering the Quart (U.S. dry) (dry qt) value in the calculator form. dry qt to gal conversion.

dry qt to gal Converter

1 dry qt = 0.242235 gal

Gallons (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion

Quart (U.S. dry) volume unit is equal to 0.242235 Gallons (Imperial).

How Many Gallons (Imperial) in a Quart (U.S. dry)

There are 0.242235 Gallons (Imperial) in a Quart (U.S. dry).

Conversion Factors for Gallons (Imperial) and Quart (U.S. dry)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Quart (U.S. dry) dry qt 1.101221 × 10 -3
Gallons (Imperial) gal 4.54609 × 10 -3

Quart (U.S. dry) to Gallons (Imperial) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Quart (U.S. dry) and Gallons (Imperial) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 dry qt = 1.101221 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 4.54609 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 0.00454609 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.00454609) gal
1 m³ = 219.96924829909 gal

1 dry qt = 1.101221 * 10-3 * 219.96924829909 gal
1 dry qt = 0.24223475558117 gal

Quart (U.S. dry) to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion Table

Quart (U.S. dry)Gallons (Imperial)
1 dry qt0.242235 gal
2 dry qt0.48447 gal
3 dry qt0.726705 gal
4 dry qt0.96894 gal
5 dry qt1.211175 gal
6 dry qt1.45341 gal
7 dry qt1.695645 gal
8 dry qt1.93788 gal
9 dry qt2.180115 gal
10 dry qt2.42235 gal
11 dry qt2.664585 gal
12 dry qt2.90682 gal
13 dry qt3.149055 gal
14 dry qt3.39129 gal
15 dry qt3.633525 gal
16 dry qt3.87576 gal
17 dry qt4.117995 gal
18 dry qt4.36023 gal
19 dry qt4.602465 gal
20 dry qt4.8447 gal


Quart (U.S. dry) to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion

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