Teaspoon to Gill (Imperial) Conversion

Convert Teaspoon to Gill (Imperial) by entering the Teaspoon (Teaspoon) value in the calculator form. Teaspoon to gi conversion.

Teaspoon to gi Converter

1 Teaspoon = 0.034695 gi

Gill (Imperial) to Teaspoon Conversion

Teaspoon volume unit is equal to 0.034695 Gill (Imperial).

How Many Gill (Imperial) in a Teaspoon

There are 0.034695 Gill (Imperial) in a Teaspoon.

Conversion Factors for Gill (Imperial) and Teaspoon

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Teaspoon Teaspoon 4.928922 × 10 -6
Gill (Imperial) gi 1.420653 × 10 -4

Teaspoon to Gill (Imperial) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Teaspoon and Gill (Imperial) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 Teaspoon = 4.928922 * 10-6 m³
1 gi = 1.420653 * 10-4 m³
1 gi = 0.0001420653 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.0001420653) gi
1 m³ = 7039.0165649177 gi

1 Teaspoon = 4.928922 * 10-6 * 7039.0165649177 gi
1 Teaspoon = 0.034694763605187 gi

Teaspoon to Gill (Imperial) Conversion Table

TeaspoonGill (Imperial)
1 Teaspoon0.034695 gi
100 Teaspoon3.4695 gi
200 Teaspoon6.939 gi
300 Teaspoon10.4085 gi
400 Teaspoon13.878 gi
500 Teaspoon17.3475 gi
600 Teaspoon20.817 gi
700 Teaspoon24.2865 gi
800 Teaspoon27.756 gi
900 Teaspoon31.2255 gi
1000 Teaspoon34.695 gi
1100 Teaspoon38.1645 gi
1200 Teaspoon41.634 gi
1300 Teaspoon45.1035 gi
1400 Teaspoon48.573 gi
1500 Teaspoon52.0425 gi
1600 Teaspoon55.512 gi
1700 Teaspoon58.9815 gi
1800 Teaspoon62.451 gi
1900 Teaspoon65.9205 gi
2000 Teaspoon69.39 gi


Teaspoon to Gill (Imperial) Conversion

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