Centiliters to Teaspoon Conversion

Convert Centiliters to Teaspoon by entering the Centiliters (cl) value in the calculator form. cl to Teaspoon conversion.

cl to Teaspoon Converter

1 cl = 2.028841 Teaspoon

Teaspoon to Centiliters Conversion

Centiliters volume unit is equal to 2.028841 Teaspoon.

How Many Teaspoon in a Centiliter

There are 2.028841 Teaspoon in a Centiliter.

Conversion Factors for Teaspoon and Centiliters

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Centiliters cl 1 × 10 -5
Teaspoon Teaspoon 4.928922 × 10 -6

Centiliters to Teaspoon Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Centiliters and Teaspoon with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 cl = 1 * 10-5 m³
1 Teaspoon = 4.928922 * 10-6 m³
1 Teaspoon = 4.928922E-6 m³

1 m³ = (1/4.928922E-6) Teaspoon
1 m³ = 202884.11948901 Teaspoon

1 cl = 1 * 10-5 * 202884.11948901 Teaspoon
1 cl = 2.0288411948901 Teaspoon

Centiliters to Teaspoon Conversion Table

1 cl2.028841 Teaspoon
2 cl4.057682 Teaspoon
3 cl6.086523 Teaspoon
4 cl8.115364 Teaspoon
5 cl10.144205 Teaspoon
6 cl12.173046 Teaspoon
7 cl14.201887 Teaspoon
8 cl16.230728 Teaspoon
9 cl18.259569 Teaspoon
10 cl20.28841 Teaspoon
11 cl22.317251 Teaspoon
12 cl24.346092 Teaspoon
13 cl26.374933 Teaspoon
14 cl28.403774 Teaspoon
15 cl30.432615 Teaspoon
16 cl32.461456 Teaspoon
17 cl34.490297 Teaspoon
18 cl36.519138 Teaspoon
19 cl38.547979 Teaspoon
20 cl40.57682 Teaspoon


Centiliters to Teaspoon Conversion

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