Pint (U.S. dry) to Fluid Ounces (U.S.) Conversion

Convert Pint (U.S. dry) to Fluid Ounces (U.S.) by entering the Pint (U.S. dry) (dry pt) value in the calculator form. dry pt to oz conversion.

dry pt to oz Converter

1 dry pt = 18.618356 oz

Fluid Ounces (U.S.) to Pint (U.S. dry) Conversion

Pint (U.S. dry) volume unit is equal to 18.618356 Fluid Ounces (U.S.).

How Many Fluid Ounces (U.S.) in a Pint (U.S. dry)

There are 18.618356 Fluid Ounces (U.S.) in a Pint (U.S. dry).

Conversion Factors for Fluid Ounces (U.S.) and Pint (U.S. dry)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Pint (U.S. dry) dry pt 5.506105 × 10 -4
Fluid Ounces (U.S.) oz 2.957353 × 10 -5

Pint (U.S. dry) to Fluid Ounces (U.S.) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Pint (U.S. dry) and Fluid Ounces (U.S.) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 dry pt = 5.506105 * 10-4 m³
1 oz = 2.957353 * 10-5 m³
1 oz = 2.957353E-5 m³

1 m³ = (1/2.957353E-5) oz
1 m³ = 33814.022201611 oz

1 dry pt = 5.506105 * 10-4 * 33814.022201611 oz
1 dry pt = 18.61835567144 oz

Pint (U.S. dry) to Fluid Ounces (U.S.) Conversion Table

Pint (U.S. dry)Fluid Ounces (U.S.)
1 dry pt18.618356 oz
2 dry pt37.236712 oz
3 dry pt55.855068 oz
4 dry pt74.473424 oz
5 dry pt93.09178 oz
6 dry pt111.710136 oz
7 dry pt130.328492 oz
8 dry pt148.946848 oz
9 dry pt167.565204 oz
10 dry pt186.18356 oz
11 dry pt204.801916 oz
12 dry pt223.420272 oz
13 dry pt242.038628 oz
14 dry pt260.656984 oz
15 dry pt279.27534 oz
16 dry pt297.893696 oz
17 dry pt316.512052 oz
18 dry pt335.130408 oz
19 dry pt353.748764 oz
20 dry pt372.36712 oz


Pint (U.S. dry) to Fluid Ounces (U.S.) Conversion

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