Cubic Centimeters to Peck (U.S.) Conversion

Convert Cubic Centimeters to Peck (U.S.) by entering the Cubic Centimeters (cm³) value in the calculator form. cm³ to pk conversion.

cm³ to pk Converter

1 cm³ = 0.000114 pk

Peck (U.S.) to Cubic Centimeters Conversion

Cubic Centimeters volume unit is equal to 0.000114 Peck (U.S.).

How Many Peck (U.S.) in a Cubic Centimeter

There are 0.000114 Peck (U.S.) in a Cubic Centimeter.

Conversion Factors for Peck (U.S.) and Cubic Centimeters

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Cubic Centimeters cm³ 1 × 10 -6
Peck (U.S.) pk 8.809768 × 10 -3

Cubic Centimeters to Peck (U.S.) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Cubic Centimeters and Peck (U.S.) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 cm³ = 1 * 10-6 m³
1 pk = 8.809768 * 10-3 m³
1 pk = 0.008809768 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.008809768) pk
1 m³ = 113.51036712885 pk

1 cm³ = 1 * 10-6 * 113.51036712885 pk
1 cm³ = 0.00011351036712885 pk

Cubic Centimeters to Peck (U.S.) Conversion Table

Cubic CentimetersPeck (U.S.)
1 cm³0.000114 pk
1000 cm³0.114 pk
2000 cm³0.228 pk
3000 cm³0.342 pk
4000 cm³0.456 pk
5000 cm³0.57 pk
6000 cm³0.684 pk
7000 cm³0.798 pk
8000 cm³0.912 pk
9000 cm³1.026 pk
10000 cm³1.14 pk
11000 cm³1.254 pk
12000 cm³1.368 pk
13000 cm³1.482 pk
14000 cm³1.596 pk
15000 cm³1.71 pk
16000 cm³1.824 pk
17000 cm³1.938 pk
18000 cm³2.052 pk
19000 cm³2.166 pk
20000 cm³2.28 pk


Cubic Centimeters to Peck (U.S.) Conversion

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