Gallons (Imperial) to Cubic Feet Conversion

Convert Gallons (Imperial) to Cubic Feet by entering the Gallons (Imperial) (gal) value in the calculator form. gal to ft³ conversion.

gal to ft³ Converter

1 gal = 0.160544 ft³

Cubic Feet to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion

Gallons (Imperial) volume unit is equal to 0.160544 Cubic Feet.

How Many Cubic Feet in a Gallons (Imperial)

There are 0.160544 Cubic Feet in a Gallons (Imperial).

Conversion Factors for Cubic Feet and Gallons (Imperial)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Gallons (Imperial) gal 4.54609 × 10 -3
Cubic Feet ft³ 2.831685 × 10 -2

Gallons (Imperial) to Cubic Feet Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Gallons (Imperial) and Cubic Feet with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 gal = 4.54609 * 10-3 m³
1 ft³ = 2.831685 * 10-2 m³
1 ft³ = 0.02831685 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.02831685) ft³
1 m³ = 35.314662471285 ft³

1 gal = 4.54609 * 10-3 * 35.314662471285 ft³
1 gal = 0.16054363391408 ft³

Gallons (Imperial) to Cubic Feet Conversion Table

Gallons (Imperial)Cubic Feet
1 gal0.160544 ft³
10 gal1.60544 ft³
20 gal3.21088 ft³
30 gal4.81632 ft³
40 gal6.42176 ft³
50 gal8.0272 ft³
60 gal9.63264 ft³
70 gal11.23808 ft³
80 gal12.84352 ft³
90 gal14.44896 ft³
100 gal16.0544 ft³
110 gal17.65984 ft³
120 gal19.26528 ft³
130 gal20.87072 ft³
140 gal22.47616 ft³
150 gal24.0816 ft³
160 gal25.68704 ft³
170 gal27.29248 ft³
180 gal28.89792 ft³
190 gal30.50336 ft³
200 gal32.1088 ft³


Gallons (Imperial) to Cubic Feet Conversion

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