Gallons (U.S.) to Ounces (Imperial) Conversion

Convert Gallons (U.S.) to Ounces (Imperial) by entering the Gallons (U.S.) (gal) value in the calculator form. gal to fl oz conversion.

gal to fl oz Converter

1 gal = 133.227889 fl oz

Ounces (Imperial) to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

Gallons (U.S.) volume unit is equal to 133.227889 Ounces (Imperial).

How Many Ounces (Imperial) in a Gallons (U.S.)

There are 133.227889 Ounces (Imperial) in a Gallons (U.S.).

Conversion Factors for Ounces (Imperial) and Gallons (U.S.)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Gallons (U.S.) gal 3.785412 × 10 -3
Ounces (Imperial) fl oz 2.841306 × 10 -5

Gallons (U.S.) to Ounces (Imperial) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Gallons (U.S.) and Ounces (Imperial) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 m³
1 fl oz = 2.841306 * 10-5 m³
1 fl oz = 2.841306E-5 m³

1 m³ = (1/2.841306E-5) fl oz
1 m³ = 35195.082824588 fl oz

1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 * 35195.082824588 fl oz
1 gal = 133.22788886519 fl oz

Gallons (U.S.) to Ounces (Imperial) Conversion Table

Gallons (U.S.)Ounces (Imperial)
1 gal133.227889 fl oz
2 gal266.455778 fl oz
3 gal399.683667 fl oz
4 gal532.911556 fl oz
5 gal666.139445 fl oz
6 gal799.367334 fl oz
7 gal932.595223 fl oz
8 gal1065.823112 fl oz
9 gal1199.051001 fl oz
10 gal1332.27889 fl oz
11 gal1465.506779 fl oz
12 gal1598.734668 fl oz
13 gal1731.962557 fl oz
14 gal1865.190446 fl oz
15 gal1998.418335 fl oz
16 gal2131.646224 fl oz
17 gal2264.874113 fl oz
18 gal2398.102002 fl oz
19 gal2531.329891 fl oz
20 gal2664.55778 fl oz


Gallons (U.S.) to Ounces (Imperial) Conversion

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