Milliliters to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

Convert Milliliters to Gallons (U.S.) by entering the Milliliters (mL) value in the calculator form. mL to gal conversion.

mL to gal Converter

1 mL = 0.000264 gal

Gallons (U.S.) to Milliliters Conversion

Milliliters volume unit is equal to 0.000264 Gallons (U.S.).

How Many Gallons (U.S.) in a Milliliter

There are 0.000264 Gallons (U.S.) in a Milliliter.

Conversion Factors for Gallons (U.S.) and Milliliters

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Milliliters mL 1 × 10 -6
Gallons (U.S.) gal 3.785412 × 10 -3

Milliliters to Gallons (U.S.) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Milliliters and Gallons (U.S.) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 mL = 1 * 10-6 m³
1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 0.003785412 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.003785412) gal
1 m³ = 264.17203728418 gal

1 mL = 1 * 10-6 * 264.17203728418 gal
1 mL = 0.00026417203728418 gal

Milliliters to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion Table

MillilitersGallons (U.S.)
1 mL0.000264 gal
1000 mL0.264 gal
2000 mL0.528 gal
3000 mL0.792 gal
4000 mL1.056 gal
5000 mL1.32 gal
6000 mL1.584 gal
7000 mL1.848 gal
8000 mL2.112 gal
9000 mL2.376 gal
10000 mL2.64 gal
11000 mL2.904 gal
12000 mL3.168 gal
13000 mL3.432 gal
14000 mL3.696 gal
15000 mL3.96 gal
16000 mL4.224 gal
17000 mL4.488 gal
18000 mL4.752 gal
19000 mL5.016 gal
20000 mL5.28 gal


Milliliters to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

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