Gallons (U.S.) to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion

Convert Gallons (U.S.) to Gallons (Imperial) by entering the Gallons (U.S.) (gal) value in the calculator form. gal to gal conversion.

gal to gal Converter

1 gal = 0.832674 gal

Gallons (Imperial) to Gallons (U.S.) Conversion

Gallons (U.S.) volume unit is equal to 0.832674 Gallons (Imperial).

How Many Gallons (Imperial) in a Gallons (U.S.)

There are 0.832674 Gallons (Imperial) in a Gallons (U.S.).

Conversion Factors for Gallons (Imperial) and Gallons (U.S.)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Gallons (U.S.) gal 3.785412 × 10 -3
Gallons (Imperial) gal 4.54609 × 10 -3

Gallons (U.S.) to Gallons (Imperial) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Gallons (U.S.) and Gallons (Imperial) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 4.54609 * 10-3 m³
1 gal = 0.00454609 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.00454609) gal
1 m³ = 219.96924829909 gal

1 gal = 3.785412 * 10-3 * 219.96924829909 gal
1 gal = 0.83267423214235 gal

Gallons (U.S.) to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion Table

Gallons (U.S.)Gallons (Imperial)
1 gal0.832674 gal
2 gal1.665348 gal
3 gal2.498022 gal
4 gal3.330696 gal
5 gal4.16337 gal
6 gal4.996044 gal
7 gal5.828718 gal
8 gal6.661392 gal
9 gal7.494066 gal
10 gal8.32674 gal
11 gal9.159414 gal
12 gal9.992088 gal
13 gal10.824762 gal
14 gal11.657436 gal
15 gal12.49011 gal
16 gal13.322784 gal
17 gal14.155458 gal
18 gal14.988132 gal
19 gal15.820806 gal
20 gal16.65348 gal


Gallons (U.S.) to Gallons (Imperial) Conversion

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